Postcards Winter 2023 US | Page 6



Rio de Janeiro
Roughly two million revelers swarm to the seafront streets of Rio de Janeiro every February , poised to sip on ice cold caipirinhas , practice exuberant samba steps and gather for the world ’ s largest party . The carnival ’ s main event is its samba school parade , a succession of elaborate floats and dancers decked out in neon feathers and beaded bikinis . The Brazilian city has hosted the event — which was designed as a final celebration of indulgence before the solemn season of Lent — almost every year since the early 18th century . The task is taken seriously — many parties typically stretch over the course of five days , with each one welcoming a fresh crowd of carousers . Visitors should base themselves around the popular beachside neighborhoods of Ipanema and Copacabana to watch ‘ the greatest show on earth ’ unfold between Rio de Janeiro ’ s expansive sands and verdant mountains .
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