T he United Kingdom has plenty of spots where history is just below the surface , but few of them are quite as atmospheric , as packed with sights or as fun as York . Almost exactly halfway between London and Edinburgh and surrounded by some of the most beautiful countryside in England , it makes for a truly rewarding visit .
York is a spectacularly pretty place ; a mishmash of medieval streets and iconic architecture that tells the tale of its colorful past . York as it stands today dates back to 71AD , when the Romans set up camp with 5,000 men from the ninth legion . During their three centuries of rule , York became an extremely important part of Roman Britain . There ’ s a statue of Emperor Constantine on Deansgate , just outside York Minster ; a Roman column found during excavations stands beside it . The headquarters of the Roman legionary fortress were underneath where the
Minster now stands . It ’ s also possible to see some of the Roman city walls between Museum Gardens and the Central Library , as well as between Monk Bar ( the historic gateways to the city are called ‘ bars ’) and Merchant Taylors ’ Hall .
The Vikings invaded in 866AD and renamed the city Jorvik . Evidence of Viking rule is everywhere : for instance , the ‘ gate ’ suffix on road names such as Stonegate , Goodramgate and the wonderfully named Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate can be traced back to the Norse word ‘ gata ’, which means ‘ street ’.
Many of the city ’ s most beautiful and imposing buildings date back to medieval times . Lots of the old wooden buildings erected by the Vikings were rebuilt in stone and the city walls were also rebuilt , with four new gates , or bars , added . York Castle — now known as Clifford ’ s Tower , and originally built by William the Conqueror — had its stone keep reinforced . The castle was once the center of government for the north of England ; the original 11th-century timber tower on top of a distinctive earth
Previous page : York Minster from Lendal Bridge Clockwise from below left : bread selection at the Shambles Market ; statue of Emperor Constantine outside York Minster ; Castle Howard ; Shambles images : GETTY ; VISIT YORK ; SUPERSTOCK ; alamy
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