Postcards Spring 2023 Canada Edition | Page 8



Casting a violet haze across woodland floors , bluebells in bloom are a sure sign that spring has sprung . Across the south of the UK , these delicate flowers start to appear from around the middle of April until the end of May , while farther north , they arrive about four weeks later . Kent , Dorset and Yorkshire are all particularly popular spots for wildflower fans , but for a quick , accessible day trip from London , head to Wendover Woods in the Chiltern Hills to walk the 11km Views of the Vale circuit . Beneath a canopy of ancient oak and beech trees , swathes of bluebells ripple through dappled shade , while rare birds such as red kites and firecrests circle the skies . Be careful though — the native English bluebell is a protected species in the UK , so stick to the paths and don ' t be tempted to pick a few to take home .
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