Poss Realty A Tradition of Trust | Page 28

Lorie Thompson 706-490-1820 www . loriethompson . com
Lorie Thompson

Lorie Ramey-Thompson began her real estate career very early in life . Very , very , early ! As a child ,

Lorie collected quartz rocks from around her home and sold them to her bevy of uncles for spending money . Her family jokes and says Lorie was selling Rabun County dirt before she finished elementary school ! It was a short jump from selling local rocks to selling real estate . Originally licensed January 03 , 1984 , Lorie has seen many changes in the real estate industry . Lorie says the reason she loves selling real estate is that no two days are ever the same . There is always something new to learn . She has spent the last 36 + years educating herself to serve her clients better .
Lorie is married to Anthony Thompson . They live on the old Thompson Farm in Northwest Rabun and love living along the bank of Popcorn Creek . Anthony and Lorie have two grown children , Joe and Kendall . Joe brings a Daughter -in-love to their family , Charli Thompson . Both of Lorie ’ s children knew they wanted to live in Rabun County . Joe is working toward a career as a pro fisherman and in construction . Kendall is the restaurant manager at Lake Rabun Hotel .
Beyond real estate , Lorie loves to cook . She writes The Family Table , a monthly article in Georgia Mountain Laurel magazine , and offers tempting recipes for the home cook . She loves to share her treasured family recipes and favorite meals with new friends Anthony and Lorie are known for entertaining at their home . They host an annual “ Cooking Over Coals Contest ,” where each entry is to be cooked over wood or charcoal — Dutch oven cooking in the extreme ! The best job around is to be a “ secret ” judge for this competition !
Lorie and Anthony also love to spend time outdoors . They have a large vegetable garden , and Lorie loves to can and preserve the home-grown bounty . Anthony is an avid deer hunter and fisherman , and Lorie loves to camp and cook outdoors . They make a great team ! Their story is not complete without mention of Kee-ka , their Shiba Inu , Jazz , the Mountain Cur , and Cat , their Calico Cat . These three are the real bosses of the Thompson home !
Lorie has been a consistent top producer in the real estate industry , and was the number one producing agent for the Poss Realty Team for 2018 and again for 2019 . If you need a Realtor with integrity and a lifetime of education and experience , If you need someone who is land-savvy and who understands the process of selling or buying a home or land , call Lorie . 706-490-1820 / 706-782-2121 rabunrealestate @ gmail . com
Lorie s Christmas Memories
Christmas is my favorite time of year . My parents made such a big deal of Christmas with our family . They were deeply religious , as am I . They taught us that holiday celebrations and the giving of gifts are an expression of our love for each other as God loved us . There were five of us children , and we each had families . Christmas Eve found us all gathered at Mama and Daddy ’ s with a feast set out before us . The meal was always over the top with a full sit-down dinner with Prime Rib , and endless shrimp bowl , and double stuffed potatoes . We always had fantastic food .
Our traditions included a quiet time with each person in the room , having an opportunity to share what they were thankful for that year . Some years , we cried as we lost family members or suffered illness or loss . Other years we celebrated births of children , marriages , and other life milestones . We always shared it ; The good and the bad . That is what family does .
After we went around the room , my Father prayed for us . His prayers were long , but he mentioned every person in the room , and you knew that God had heard your name called .
It was a rite of passage as each of my nephews and nieces were old enough to have their turn at reading the Christmas Story from the Bible . They would practice reading the passages from Luke long before they reading chapter books in school . Carefully , they would read them to the family on Christmas Eve .
For many years , we each brought a gift for every family member . The number of gifts was outrageous . The gifts were not costly but usually very personal . It was so much fun ! After the prayer and the Bible reading , it was finally time to dive into the pile of presents . Mama made us go around the room with each person opening one gift at a time . Boy , was it fun !
Eventually , the number of people in our family and economics forced us to draw names and ultimately to move to a “ White Elephant ” gift-giving . It is still fun ! We all take pride in bringing the most popular gift of the night .
We still meet up on Christmas Eve . Our parents have gone on to Glory and one of my sisters , too . Our family is much smaller now , but we still love Christmas and being together . Christmas Eve is still my favorite day of the year .
To God , be the Glory !
26 www . possrealty . com Holiday 2020