Positive about Change July 2013 | Page 11

acceptance. Accepting that change is occurring, and accepting ourselves in the process is the first step to grace-full and joy-full adaptation. Rarely are we more challenged emotionally, than when we are facing the unknown.

Here, we take a page from Elizabeth Kubler-Ross' groundbreaking book “On Death and Dying”. When we notice our resistance (Denial/Anger/Bargaining) we maintain our sense of self. When we allow ourselves to grieve (Depression) we give the universe permission to help us heal. And when we create (Acceptance) new and greater opportunities to thrive we increase our capacity for change, empower ourselves to move forward with grace, and open ourselves to the knowledge that we are greater than our fears.

Progress is as scary as it is exciting. No one knows what the future will bring. The next time you are faced with an unexpected change (or even a self-induced one), notice the fear, embrace the possibilities, and step into the opportunities. Change might not feel good, but since it’s going to happen anyway, we might as well enjoy it. My new iPod is syncing.

Lane Cobb, CPCC, LMT is a life coach, body worker, and yoga instructor who teaches women to find their life purpose and live their full potential. To schedule a complimentary consultation or to become a subscriber visit www.StraightTalkCoaching.com or direct email to [email protected]