Portuguese Lighting Network Issue 12 | Page 63

Deveria existir mais apoios de formação académica de gestores das PME´S e maior facilidade de acesso a financiamento para industrialização autónoma do sector.

Acredita que a participação em feiras internacionais possa ser um caminho importante para aumentar as exportações e a visibilidade de uma empresa?

Não só eu acredito, como tenho a certeza disso.

Sendo um dos fundadores da AIPI, como analisa o trabalho desenvolvido pela Associação ao longo de mais de 20 anos?

Tem sido feito um grande trabalho com um enorme esforço e dedicação que a nova Direcção pretende melhorar e dar continuidade.

How did your taste for lighting begin?

The first years were difficult, because I started working in a professional way very early, at 12 years old. Over time, I got used to work and fell in love with the art of lighting manufacturing.

Tell us a little about the history of Latoaria Ponte Rol.

Our company was founded by my father in 1982 after a long journey of learning and experience in the art of making lanterns. Since then, it has been conquering its place in the market, evolving at its pace, always with the objective of accompanying and satisfying it. The transmission of knowledge between generations has been the secret to the continuity and progress of this family business. Nowadays the company is led by me and my brother. It was a heritage with a deep knowledge of the industry. We always have our eyes on the future.

What is the secret to maintaining a successful company after 33 years?

The secret was to fight hard every day with a lot of work, ambition and spirit of sacrifice.

What challenges has this sector brought throughout your career?

At a professional level, this sector has brought me great challenges. I achieved enormous wisdom in the design and production of lighting.

In general, how do you evaluate the national lighting sector?

In my opinion, the national lighting sector is small, but of enormous quality.

In your opinion, what measures should be taken for the growth of the sector?

I feel that there should be more support for academic training for SME´s managers and easier access to finance for autonomous industrialization in the sector.

Do you believe that participation in international fairs can be an important way to increase exports and the visibility of a company?

Not only do I believe, but I am sure of it.

As one of the founders of AIPI, how do you analyze the work developed by the Association over more than 20 years?

Great work has been done with an enormous effort and dedication that the new Board of Directors intends to continue and improve.
