Portuguese Lighting Network Issue 12 | Page 55

Thus, in order for goods to benefit from the preferential regime (reduction / exemption from customs duties) when entering South Korea, the community origin must be proven by means of a declaration issued by the exporter, a delivery note or any other document, which describes the products concerned in a sufficiently detailed manner to permit their identification (normally the commercial invoice).

The declaration of origin on the invoice can be made by any exporter for consignments of goods whose value does not exceed 6,000 euros or by an “Authorized Exporter” with respect to shipments of goods of any value. The status of "Authorized Exporter" must be requested from the Portuguese AT (Directorate of Customs Taxation Services), using the form made available for this purpose on the Finance / Customs Services Portal, advising the careful reading of the instructions and accompanying explanatory notes to the document.

If the value of the goods is less than 6,000 euros, it is advisable to use the declaration on the invoice by any exporter for occasional shipments of goods. If shipments of goods are frequent, even if less than 6,000 euros each, there may be problems in the destination market and the status of "Authorized Exporter" may be require

According to AT's clarification, the fact that Portuguese Customs issues certificates of origin at the time of export based on declarations made by operators, which cannot be immediately confirmed, in order to avoid blocking exports, does not prevent customs authorities destination countries request, a posteriori, information on the issue of certificates. In these circumstances and after export, Portuguese Customs has a duty to check with the exporter whether the declarations made were correct or not, in order to be able to respond to the customs authorities of our trading partners. For this reason, companies requesting the issue of certificates of origin must first check whether they fulfill the requirements required for the goods to be considered as originating in the EU and to benefit from the issue of the respective proof of origin.


Portuguese citizens do not need a visa to enter South Korea for less than 60 days, for leisure and tourism reasons, or for business reasons (unless there is a place for exercising a paid profession). For this purpose, they must be holders of a passport valid for more than six months.


In relation to Portugal, South Korea has another nine hours in winter time and another eight hours in summer time.


220 volts AC, 60 Hz.


The metric system is used.

There are also some local measures:

1 pyong = 3.3058 m2 / 1 chungbo = 0.992 ha / 1 suk = 100 dai = 180.39 liters / 1 kwan = 1 000 don = 3.75 kg

Fontes / sources:

OEC World

Santander Trade

Portugal Clobal
