Portuguese Lighting Network Issue 11 | Page 43


andeeiros MATH

Abordagem de alta/baixa tecnologia, na qual as práticas dos artesãos são misturadas com processos tecnológicos. As formas e texturas são desenvolvidas através de algoritmos que geram não apenas padrões generativos, mas também potencializam os efeitos dos cáusticos. As peças foram delicadamente trabalhadas por mestres vidreiros que moldaram o vidro de acordo com esta nova estética.

MATH lamps

The Caustics Lamps are an excellent example of the INPPUT philosophy. lt is a high-tech/low-tech approach, where craftsman practices are mixed with technological processes. The forms and textures are developed through algorithms that generate not only generative patterns, but also potentiate the effects of the caustics. The pieces were delicately worked on by master glassmakers that shaped the glass according to this new aesthetic.
