Portuguese Lighting Magazine Issue 18 | Page 17


.MAIO/MAY | 16

PL: With the offer that the market presents us today, has creativity become a more complex art or is it still something natural for you? Where do you get inspired?

FM: The most important thing about creative work is to respect each one's process and time.

Nobody can be creative 24 hours, 7 days a week.

We value and encourage the creative process. For me, for example, contact with nature is fundamental.

To foster creativity, I cannot have my head filled with a thousand worries.

I need to stop to breathe, feel surrounded by a peaceful environment, admire my surroundings and thus be able to observe the world with a curious eye. Yes, I can say that it comes naturally to me, just feel inspired.

Inspiration itself can come from many sources, the important thing is to always keep an attentive and curious eye and creativity becomes second nature.

PL: In your opinion, what makes Wonderlight lamps so competitive and unique?

FM: We look at Wonderlight lamps as true work of art.

One of our main goals is to make decorative lighting more valued by interior design lovers.

We want more people to be able to share this passion we have for lighting and to understand that an environment is never finished without decorative lighting.

Our pieces convey just that, a feeling of comfort, elegance, refinement and fullness.

It's the way we look and create lighting that makes us unique.

"Inspiration itself can come from many sources, the important thing is to always keep an attentive and curious eye and creativity becomes second nature."