Portugese - Mental health and gender based violene 2019 | Page 178

Módulos de treinamento e denúncias
Act Alliance . Community-based psychosocial support in emergencies . Disponível em : https :// actalliance . org / wp-content / uploads / 2015 / 07 / ACT-CBPS-Guiding- Principles-ENGLISH . pdf .
This online guide aims to assist humanitarian practitioners who work in emergency zones . It focuses on psychosocial support .
IASC ( 2005 ). Provide community-based psychological and social support . Action Sheet 8.3 . In Guidelines for Gender-based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Settings . Geneva , pp . 69-71 . Disponível em : http :// www . unhcr . org / 453492294 . pdf .
Managing Gender-based Violence Programmes in Emergencies . An e-learning course . Disponível em : https :// extranet . unfpa . org / Apps / GBVinEmergencies / index . html .
This 146-page guide features the entire e-learning course transcript as well as new material . It includes Programmes in Focus ( illustrative examples of GBV programming in action ), Voices from the Field ( first-person accounts from practitioners who have experienced and implemented the concepts covered in the Course ), and Thinking Locally ( short segments that encourage you to consider how you would apply course concepts to your own context ).
Terlou , B . ( 2005 ). ARC Training Guide – Gender-based Violence for Health Workers and Business Extension Agents in refugee camps , Guinea . Disponível em : http :// support . arcrelief . org / gbvbooks / cdrom / content / Book _ 2 _ CSI / Appendices / CSI _ Overview _ Appendix _ V / Training _ Guide _ ARC _ CVT . pdf .
Trauma Treatment Manual . Disponível em : http :// www . trauma-pages . com / s / schmookler-manual . php .
This manual was originally written for people working in the field with women survivors of rape in Bosnia , but it can be used more broadly as a guide for helping anyone of either gender who has survived any kind of trauma .
UN Women . Virtual knowledge centre to end violence against women and girls . Disponível em : http :// www . endvawnow . org / en /.
This is an online resource in English , French and Spanish , designed to serve the needs of policymakers , programme implementers and other practitioners who work to stop violence against women and girls .
UN Secretary General ( 2006 ). Ending violence against women – From words to action . Report of the UN Secretary General , United Nations . Disponível em : http :// www . un . org / womenwatch / daw / public / VAW _ Study / VAWstudyE . pdf .
This report contextualises violence against women and summarises information on its prevalence . It identifies gaps in knowledge and research challenges , including methods for monitoring GBV .