Portraiture for new photographers Portraiture for new photographers | Page 8

THERMS YOU SHOULD KNOW •  Escort: An escort is someone that will assist to the photo-shoot to assure the model’s safety. It’s really important for the model to feel safe ( plus it will give you better pictures if the model don’t feel stressed) when a model is under 18, she/ he has to be escorted by his/ her parents. (it’s the Law) ALWAYS allow the model to bring an escort. A model who doesn't feel safe is a model who’ll give you a bad review •  Fitting: when you are working on a fashion shoot or a commercial shoot, the model will have to go trough a fitting. Basically, the model will have to have her measurements taken and a lot of things to try on. Even if you aren’t really a part of the fitting session, if you are the one recruiting the model you’ll have to tell him/her that there will be a fitting session involved