Portraiture for new photographers Portraiture for new photographers | Page 24

I______________________________(Photographer) Give full permission to _____________________________(Model). She/he will have the right to publish the final work on any website that he/she please with the condition of being named in the credits (The model doesn’t have the right to publish this work on __________________________ or _________________________ themed websites) I affirm that the model will have commercial rights on the product and will be able to sell the final product and use it for contests. If ___________________________(model) makes money out of the final product, she/he will not be obligated to share it with me I______________________________(Model) Give full permission to _____________________________(Photographer). She/he will have the right to publish the final work on any website that he/she please with the condition of being named in the credits (The photographer doesn’t have the right to publish this work on __________________________ or _________________________ themed websites) I affirm that the photographer will have commercial rights on the product and will be able to sell the final product and use it for contests. If ___________________________(photographer) makes money out of the final product, she/ he will not be obligated to share it with me ____________________________________ Model’s signature ______________________________________ Photographer’s signature