Portofolio 02 | Page 3

“Toxic Is the New Ghost.” The theme that we adopted was relativity, which we think of relativity is formed by the “poison”. Toxins that we mean here is the trend which is being circulated over time. We see that the group of humans who have been “poisoned” by the trend. The trend make human groups seemed not got any handle over themselves, always depend and lean with all things that are “booming”, as if the principles embedded in their personalities is not solid because it is volatile (just go with the flow trend ). In addition, the trend also makes them become ahistorical (do not know the history of their own). All-an ahistorical is the cause of this human group could not determine and seeking their own establishment, because of the way they act and think is influenced by external factors (trend) and not due to the initiative and willingness arising from within themselves (internal). Visualization of the diversity of the head with a face the color white represents a group of men who did not / have not been aware of the history of life on any terms, too focused on what is happening now so forget the past events that affect their current condition. Additionally, the visualization we also intended to portray as if they only had physical differences, but have a similar personality. “Exhibition” Anactdote Exhibition 100cm x 80cm Mixed Media on Canvas 03.