Types of online evaluations
Matching: an objective test consisting of two sets of items to be matched with each other
for a specified attribute.
True or False: Alternative choice test in which the student or examinee indicates whether
each of several statements is true or false.
Fill in the blank: Fill-In-The-Blank test questions require the test taker to recall specific
information in order to answer the question.
Multiple choice: A multiple-choice test usually has dozens of questions or "items." For each
question, the test- taker is supposed to select the "best" choice among a set of four or five
Ordering: Ordering questions evaluate students' ability to put items in a sequential order.
Ordering questions only marks the group of answers with the highest number of
consecutive correct answers.
All these activities are important to observe the improvement of the students and also is
easy to develop them online is a tool for the student and teacher.