Portfolio Process Case Study | Page 6

Course Overview The course prepared us to successfully utilize design as a catalyst for innovation and change. Along the way, we investigated the world of innovation, creativity and design thinking, process, research and methods. In this class we ventured further into the world of “fuzzy” or unstructured situations where problems were yet undefined but within a larger context. We used design research methods to sort through and tackle complex conditions, where we identified and defined those unstated needs for design, possibly utilizing design that went outside the classic concerns of traditional visual communication design. 6 Project This semester, we worked to understand the theory, practice, and outcomes of various design research methods through utilizing and applying assorted tools and frameworks. We determined appropriate methods; selected, developed, and deployed these methods throughout the design process; and synthesized and presented process, findings, and reflection about practiced methods in a meaningful and visual way. The Janus Collective aimed to demonstrate an ability to work collaboratively and facilitated participatory action through teambased activities, showing respect for our differences through expression of civic identity and engagement.