Portfolio Naples October 2023 | Page 61

whole-brain synchrony , deep healing , and personal transformation that blends into planetary service .
Throughout this time , Dr Hinkey developed and maintained a ‘ miracle-based ’ practice , helping those written-off by medicine , alternative medicine , and psychiatry . For 47 years he has helped the sickest of the sick heal from brain trauma , brain tumors , body cancers , emphysema , ALS , depression , addiction , infertility , and so many things that others could not help with . His first patient had no chance to live from a brain tumor , and recovered without surgery or drugs to live 17 years . Then the line went around the block to get in to see him , and in the first 7 years of practice he didn ’ t lose one patient to the disease or trauma they were told to go die from . He still does his work today , in-person , and by video conference , cracking cases across the world .
Why art ? Dr Hinkey ’ s work incorporates a most esoteric diagnosis and treatment , using special drawings that he makes of his patients . He also draws blueprints of our spiritual realms while leading live group meditations . This art has revolutionized health care and transformation . Top gallerists saw his work and declared it important modern art , saying “ This is Love ”, giving him 2 separate 3500 square foot shows with 75 pieces of art and 30 videos , blazing throughout Chinatown , and Bergamot Station in Santa Monica . Leading to Art Basel twice , and more .
Along the way , Hinkey gave up his single office to treat 25-50 patients in the same room , then gave up his large office to do live events for 50-1200 at a time . It worked so well that he went around the world 20 times , doing 800 live events called Healing Theater , making thousands of pieces of transformational art , all drawn live during the events , that are now sold in the gallery .
Hinkey made the leap from cornfield to esoteric healing magician by being discovered by esoteric masters . Invited to become their scribe in the top homeopathy / nutrition / healing office in LA , he evolved right in front of them , on the firing line , producing radical results from day one . “ I had no choice . They needed it right now , or there would be no ‘ later ’. I had to get out of the way and deliver . Once the flow was turned on it never turned off , ever .” They then taught him to turn his lifelong seeing into a talent for diagnostic art that also heals and transforms .
Along the way Hinkey met a monk in a monastery that also taught art history in Palo Alto , who took him to thousands of galleries and museums over 40 years of friendship , introduced him to Dr Harman at Stanford , and to artists , curators , and collectors . Del Carlson steeped Steve in the deepest spiritual sense of art history , sharing the known dynamics of artists and art movements from time immemorial through to today , giving living examples of color , shape , texture , motive , vibration , relationship , demon , deity , spiritual breakdown and breakthrough , catastrophe and enlightenment , befalling most true artists on the Way .
Hinkey became friends with 3 of the top modern art collectors in the world , John Powers , Frederick Weisman and Marcia Simon Weisman — linking him to the top curators , collectors , and museum creators like Norton Simon , Eli Broad , and the Powers Museum , fine tuning his knowledge of art with modern mystics like Jasper Johns , Claes Oldenburg , Andy Warhol , Roy Lichtenstein , Basquiat , Stella , Richter , Moody , and more . Opening doors to the great museums of Florence , Paris , and London , and to hundreds of galleries in London and NYC .
On the journey from Beata Gola ’ s stomping grounds of Richfield CT and NYC , armed with the countless galleries and museums and churches and teachers they visited before meeting each other , and hundreds since , Hinkey shared his knowledge , while absorbing Gola ’ s . It turns out they love very similar art , nature , and people . Their love for the Rockies and Western deserts provides them with endless natural getaways , and provides several artists at Art Highlands ; Hinkey ’ s time in Los Angeles , London , Amsterdam , Paris , Hong Kong , India , and Nepal help globalize and stretch the scene ; and Gola ’ s keen eye and expansive heart blends all of this with her own time spent in Peru , Brazil , Greece , Italy , Poland , France , and on and on .
Gola incorporates her deep concentration in textiles and sculpture and fine things , her deep sense of style and placement in art curation , and her deep love for the Appalachians and kind Southern folk into a magnificent and interesting and welcoming place to find art , learn about things , and discover a gem hidden in plain sight at 521 N 4th Street in Highlands .
Gola and Hinkey have something . It ’ s beyond a normal something . It ’ s the something more we all seek to fulfill ourselves intellectually , emotionally , and spiritually . They rotate art through the space as things come and go , and have a vast resource of art stored all over the country and world that can be made available to you on discovery and request .
Currently they have some fantastic pieces of art . Abstract master Harry James Moody , encaustic genius Michael Hayden , pour expert Clara Berta , pastel queen Sarah Grossman , impressionist master Paul Arsenault , amazing micro muralist Yari Ostoveny , mixed media maestros Suzan Obermeyer and Wewer Keohane , naturist extraordinaire Ann DerGara , super muralist Florencia de Grandprey who paints on Persian rugs , impressionist master James Ker , and 25 more artists du jour , plus Dr Hinkey , who is available to draw you , and yours , if need be .
Naples and Highlands are sister cities , of course , and Florida loves Highlands North Carolina . If you ’ re reading this in one of the fine hotels who provide Portfolio Magazine , you too will enjoy a trip to Highlands , and now have someplace to start . In fact , the whole of western NC is a magical place of home concerts , fine dining , phenomenal hiking and touring , well-known fine artists and galleries , and now the secret is out on the ever evolving enticing enchanting —— Art Highlands Gallery , at 521 N 4th , in Highlands .
Look them up today at ArtHighlands . com .