tably , Hollywood movie director Ron Howard selected one of his images to inspire a short film “ When You Find Me ”. Howard chose the photograph out of almost 100,000 other entries as part of Canon ’ s Project Imagin8ion . Walter ’ s award-winning work has been featured on MSNBC , CBS This Morning , HGTV , Yahoo News , PBS , Business Insider , Conde Nast , Lonely Planet , and many more . Walter has also worked with camera manufacturer Sigma , creating images used in numerous AD campaigns published in over 30 magazines .
Henry River Mill Village
Katniss Everdeen sits in a cold room , comforting her sister Primrose who just woke up from a nightmare . After singing Prim a song , and confronting their scraggly cat , Buttercup , Katniss dons a worn leather jacket and dashes out of her house . Making her way through the ramshackle town of District 12 , we see the rustic and dilapidated buildings that the fictional residents of District 12 inhabit . She continues running down an embankment , past concrete ruins , and across an old dam before she finally reaches a broken-down electric fence at the edge of town . Fans of the Hunger Games movie will know this sequence well , but what many may not know , is that this was filmed at a real-world location called