Portfolio Naples July/August 2022 | Page 59

August 17 , 2021
NASA ’ s Curiosity Mars rover used its Mast Camera , or Mastcam , to capture this 360-degree view near “ Rafael Navarro Mountain ” on July 3 , 2021 , the 3,167th Martian day , or sol , of the mission . Stitched together from 129 individual images , the panorama has been white-balanced so that the colors of the rock materials resemble how they would appear under daytime lighting conditions on Earth . A craggy hump that stretches 450 feet ( 137 meters ) tall , the geologic feature is located on Mount Sharp in northwest Gale Crater .
Malin Space Science Systems in San Diego built and operates Mastcam . A division of Caltech , NASA ' s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California built the Curiosity rover and manages the Curiosity rover for the agency ’ s Science Mission Directorate in Washington .
For more about Curiosity , visit https :// mars . nasa . gov / msl / home / or https :// www . nasa . gov / mission _ pages / msl / index . html . Credit : NASA / JPL-Caltech / MSSS
July 08 , 2021 The network of cracks in this Martian rock slab called " Old Soaker " may have formed from the drying of a mud layer more than 3 billion years ago . For more about Curiosity , visit https :// mars . nasa . gov / msl / home / or https :// www . nasa . gov / mission _ pages / msl / index . html . Credit : NASA / JPL-Caltech / MSSS