The décor at the Marker is noteworthy . Artist John Martini perfectly captured the character of Key West with colorful sculptures along Lazy Way at the front of the resort . Living and working both in Key West , Florida and Veuxhaulles-Sur-Aube , France , Martini ’ s artwork is internationally displayed for the public to enjoy . He uses materials such as wood and bronze to create unique standalone figures , drawing influence from animals and people . The sculptures
56 PORTFOLIO MAGAZINE on Lazy Way overlook the boats that enter the dock area , complementing the resort with a beach-themed color scheme . The property also partnered with local brand Key West Pottery , who created a series of totem poles , which are placed on the hotel exterior . Originated in 2009 by the artists Adam Russell and Kelly Lever , Key West Pottery is made up of a small army of artisans who collaborate together to produce an authentic expression of modern , coastal life .
One of the most famous of the tourists to visit Key West in the 1920s was author Ernest Hemingway , who subsequently bought a house there and became a resident . His first trip was in 1928 , arriving with his wife , Pauline , on a steamship from Havana . Already an avid fisherman , Hemingway was immediately interested in the deep-sea fishing opportunities near Key West . The easygoing lifestyle of the island also appealed to him , nor were the local inhabitants