Portfolio Naples April 2023 | Page 7

t No ll t A s t i t Ar m a s Fr d me M D C En Un E es of Paris Mathes F y the ist ueling P ols b Carved Percussion Chiseled , and Relief , , G , av ngr ed old Inlaid niverselle Paris 1878 quisite Exposition Exq M aris eres of P re Mathes Fr H g a Tar Car Inla Go ade Gra Pai es Pre Ex anau of Gera . ist get P ols by W rved Percussion aid , and Relief old and Silver e Relief Chiseled , ir of Exhibition sentation Cased y d a xtraordinar 800-238-8022 ( R CALL FOR YOUR COMPLIME Dandoy of Liege y Celestin ar Relief C ving b Hunting Panel Scenes and ExtensiveGold Inlaid gun with c Percussion Shot Deluxe Double Barrel y ased Exhibition Qu C alit y Presentation aor a Extr dinar erence this ad ) efe ALOG TA AR A NT Y CAT Collectabl ed Undisput ® le and Antique Firearms y orld Leader for Q o dW ualit West , R Street nd 7819 42 309-797 PHONE : Rock Island , IL 61201 ∙ OCK . W W WR 800 238 8022 ( R CALL in EMAIL : 309-797-1655 ∙ FAX : 7-1500 ∙ KISLANDAUCT Reference this ad ) o @ rockislandauction . com ∙ Fully Lic nfo Collectabl ION . COM ensed Class III Auctioneer le and Antique Firearms