Portfolio lingüístic Presentation | Page 46

Lexical relations. Synonym. Very closely related meanings; sameness is not necessarily total sameness. Antonymy. There are classified as gradable (smaller, colder) and ungradable ( dead, marrie ). Prototipe. Clearest example for a word Exp; furniture-> chair (better example then bench or stool) . Metonymy. Using words to refer to another one: -king/crown, -bottle/water. Polysemy One word having multiple meanings: foot.of a person.of a bed..of a mountain mouth.as a part of the face.of a river..of a cave run..person does..water does.colors do. Homonyms. One written form with two or more different meanings. bat, mole, pen, race, sole . Hyponymy. Superordinat=higher level; co- hyponyms= same level . Homophones. Two or more written forms have the same pronunciation: bare/bear, meat/meet, right/wright, to/two/too.