Portfolio Bachelor Portfolio | Page 3

ARCHITECTURE FOR CONTEMPORANEITY 01 THE ALFONSO LOPEZ ZONAL UNIT, BOGOTA, COLOMBIA Riverfront Healthcare Center Design (Research Project) | 2017 The Project’s objective is to generate architectural spa- ces in response to the constant change and uncertainty of contemporaneity. An active and pertinent architec- ture, in which the human being is considered part of an ecosystem where nature and arti ce are integrated, and he is an agent in interaction with the natural envi- ronment. An architecture as the product of a composi- tion of natural and arti cial elements acting as a whole. Therefore, the Case Study is a Psychological Welfa- re and Mental Health Center of zonal scale, by de- termining that the disconnection between nature and arti ce in urban areas has a negative impact on the mental health of the population, due to various urban generators of depression, mood and stress disorders. The Design Concept is the Biophilia, a hypothesis that states that exposure to nature promotes psy- chological well-being, reduces the stress of the ur- ban life, and stimulates physical health. So that, a renewable, sustainable, lightweight, economical and easily self-constructed technical approach is chosen, based on the biophilic and natural architecture. This corresponds to a structural system of reciprocal fra- mework and enveloping composed of materials with the least ecological footprint (guadua, aggregates and natural bers), & a technical and spatial solu- tion that has the advantage of being produced and modi ed by users, and in this way, adaptable to the constant change and uncertainty of contemporaneity. EAST GENERAL ELEVATION 