Portfolio Bachelor Portfolio | Page 11

INTERIOR FACADE INTERVENED NEW BUILDING INTERIOR FACADE FRANCISCO PALACE & CHURCH BLOCK 05 SAN DOWNTOWN, BOGOTA, COLOMBIA Intervention of Urban Patrimony| 2016 Recognized as architectural and urban patri- mony, the San Francisco Palace & Church block takes its historical relevance since the colonial pe- riod (XVI century) of Bogota. The Project’s objec- tive is to preserve the urban/historical value, the aesthetic existing language value, the urban landscape value, and architectural value of the Block. The inter- vention mainly consists in the creation of a community urban public space (courtyard), in order to enable the participation in it of every building of the block. In addition, interior existing facades are intervened, and two new buildings are contextually inserted in the Block. SITE PLAN   Intervention NORTH-WEST SIDES Intervention in Existences ACTUAL PLAN: AREAS TO INTERVENE   FIRST FLOOR PLAN: INTERVENED AREAS AND PATHS     