Portfolio Bachelor of Architecture Lina Diaz - Portfolio | Page 10

1 XVIII Century XIX Century Present 2 1 3 2 4 5 The urban morphology of the Park maintains its colonial characteristics, despite the fact that its physical structu- re and the blocks on its sides have been transformed. 3 6 MORPHOLOGICAL VALUE 6 7 8 4 5 7 Gold Museum Jockey Club EAST SIDE Avianca National Insurances NORTH SIDE 8 1 2 1 Republic Bank San Francisco Church SOUTH SIDE WEST SIDE Veracruz Church 3 4 SECTION NORTH-SOUTH PARK 2 5 3 6 4 5 6 Double height commercial passage MASTER PLAN     REPUBLIC BANK LONGITUDINAL SECTION PARK 04 SANTANDER DOWNTOWN, BOGOTA, COLOMBIA Intervention of Urban Heritage| 2016 Recognized as urban heritage, Santander Park takes its historical rele- vance since the colonial period (XVII century) of Bogota. The Project’s objective is to preserve the urban/historical value, the urban landscape value, and the morphological value of the Santander Park. The interven- tion mainly consists of an extension of the Park to the facades of the su- rrounding buildings & the reinforcement of the public space circuit be- tween Santander Park, the environmental axis and the Rosario Square.  SECTION WEST-EAST PARK