Portfolio 2016 | Page 16

r e tai l pro j ect L A Y O U T - The window is the first “view” you will have entering the store- an open shelf made of plywood will exhibit bell glass jars, once again, to highlight the apothecary concept. On the left side of the store stand the sales counter - a plywood piece of furniture that can be open for workshop or bouquets composition (see right page.) The cut flowers section will be located at the end of this wall - far enough from the natural light. The wallpaper will be creating an intimate atmosphere, dedicated only to flowers. On the right side will be lying the plants area, with additional goods such as candles, ceramic work, stationery..etc.. Connecting those two spaces, a low shelf will be stacked with plants holders, vases and wickers baskets... FLOWER SHOP WINDOW F R E S H F L O W E R W A L L elevation P L A N T S area W A L L elevation 16 PORTFOLIO 2016