Portfolio 2016 001 | Page 4

impressions The power of perception, particularly in relationships, is strong, and it all begins with an initial impression. Think back to who you were when you met your partner. Are you exactly the same person you are now with them? Did you maintain a consistent impression between your partner, your friends, and your parents, or were you attempting to seem a bit more impressive, a bit more charming, and a bit more suave?  Many times, particularly in the beginning of relationships, much of what we say, what we oh-so-carefully choose to wear, even how much we eat, may be a strategy deployed to subtly influence what the person sitting across the table thinks of us. And when it comes to impression management, there are quite few strategies that we tend to use: Ingratiation, or, doing favours and being open with our compliments so that others can like us. Or, have you ever met someone who went on and on about all of his or her accomplishments and treated a conversation as if it were the long answer to the interview question, 'what is your biggest achievement'? Selfpromotion, when it comes to wanting to leave a powerful impression, is one of the most deployed strategies; we display our accomplishments to others in order to elicit their respect. Being overly aggressive or intimidating is another way that we can impress upon others that we are 'tough', or playing the damsel in distress can help us receive nurture from others. Did you carefully deploy some of the strategies above, or were you completely at ease with yourself? If we've carefully planned out the impression that we would like to leave on another person, we may be what psychologists would refer to as 'high self-monitors': Individuals who pay very close attention to the environment around them, and change their behavior to fit in. Conversely, low self-monitors tend to make the same impression regardless of the environment they're in. While there are cultural differences to high and low self-monitoring, in Western society, high self-monitors are generally social butterflies, who have many friends with diverse occupations and interests. However, because a high self-monitors must consistently be monitoring his or her impression, and because it tends to be so cognitively taxing, high self-monitors tend to spend less time in their relationships, and thus have shorter relationships than low self-monitors, who are happy to be themselves, regardless of the situation at hand. perceptions Whether we closely monitor the impressions we aim to leave on others, or are ourselves in every scenario, this is only one half of the equation. Being on the receiving end of a first impression is equally important, and the way you perceive your partner can very much influence the future of your relationship, if you decide to purse a relationship at all! The idea of receiving a first impression, called the primacy effect, suggests that the initial information we learn about someone influences how we interpret all of the later information we receive from them. For instance, let’s say you were set up on a blind date to meet Greg in a coffee shop. You enter right on time, and notice Greg sitting by himself with an empty cup of coffee. You greet him with a smile, but he refuses to stand up or even shake your hand. You are completely thrown off, and immediately, your perception of Greg is that he isn’t particularly warm, he doesn’t seem to be very open, and clearly doesn’t like you very much. While Greg texts you a few days later asking if you’d like to go out on a second date, you decline, figuring a person who is so rude is not someone who warrants a second date. What you may not know is that a few moments before you entered the coffee shop, the barista spilled scorching hot coffee on Greg, spilling all over his pants.  In order to avoid the embarrassment, he refused to stand up when you walked in. A high self-monitor, Greg was trying to manage his own impression on you and didn’t tell you what happened so that you wouldn’t perceive of him as clumsy. Now, say, a few weeks later, you are invited to attend a party, where you see Greg, who is the centre of attention and extremely affectionate towards you. Because of your initial impression of him, you believe in your initial perception of him - a psychological bias we are all, unfortunately, privy to - and best chalk up Greg’s jovial behavior to assuming he has had too much to drink, when, in fact, he is only being himself.  One way of getting around this erroneous way of thinking, particularly when it comes to our relationships, is to give our partners is a second chance, and confront our judgments of them and try to find contradictory evidence to our initial beliefs. The idea of how we view evidence is called the attribution the