Portfolio 1 | Page 51

Connection Catalyst resulted from a summer studio based in Montreal focused on infrastructure and urbanism. The project identifies a lost opportunity to develop Rue Peel in to a walkable corridor. The street enjoys a strong commercial presence where it intersects Rue St Catherine but it is missing a point of attraction South of Boulevard René Lévesque to create an armature. between the service access to a hotel and a boarded up industrial building. Connection Catalyst proposes a Research Campus where Montreal’s four universities can collaborate. This will create an intensity of use and, when integrated with a Peel LRT line, create a point of connection to reinvigorate the Peel corridor. Infrastructure, Program and Culture come My urban study identifies a physical and together to catalyze rejuvenate one of Montreal’s psychological choke-point where Rue Peel meets under utilized corridors. Rue Notre Dame. A narrow corridor is created 44 | CONNECTION CATALYST CONNECTION CATALYST 1st YEAR MASTER STUDIO