In a district where low income housing dominates
the built landscape it is paramount that the
designer works to maximize the use of public
space. By extending a network through the dense
community small pockets of nature, community
and leisure can be combined and compounded.
The proposed pedestrian bridge system benefits
the immediate site and its effects spread
throughout the surrounding areas. By integrating
nodes of activity, pedestrian corridors and
interest-driven circulation a meager parcel of land
can be transformed in to an event; a destination
with a strong sense of place and identity where a
community collides.
Improved site circulation allows the park to be
traversed more easily and with greater engagement
for the user that is simply passing through. For the
user who is interested in a prolonged experience
the network allows for a circuitous route to be
followed with ample opportunities to rest and
enjoy ones surroundings.
The master plan promotes a site that draws
people in and gives them a venue to interact. This
interaction will help enforce connections and
strengthen a unique community.
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Large programmed areas encourage families to
play together, compete and grow together and
most importantly help their community grow;
by creating stronger intra-community corridors
a social fabric can be encouraged to grow in a
traditionally transient neighborhood.
The proposed master plan seeks to mitigate the
roles of a park as an area for urban respite, an area
for recreation and play, an area for social interaction
and a touchstone for a strong community.