Portfolio 1 | Page 45

SYMBIOTIC ARCHITECTURE 38 | This project began as an investigation in to the nature of parasitic architecture. The term suggests a symbiotic relationship of which parasitism is one thread when typically commensalism or mutualism would more aptly describe the relationship between most examples of ‘parasitic architecture’ as the host is rarely harmed. This caused me to re-frame the term ‘parasite’ as the French philosopher Michel Serres employs the term: to mean an ‘other’. A parasite in this sense allows us to re-frame the host through a new lens. The coupling of the two creates a new thing whose worth can not be determined by simply adding the value of the individuals. The parasite often creates a commentary on the nature of it’s host or of the temporal context in which the two are connected. The project to explore this idea looks at repurposing banal horizontal surfaces as a substrate for urban farming. Small autonomous climbing pods maneuver to position themselves in a microclimate best suited to grow their payload. The resulting pattern speaks to the specificity of the site and what plants are carried by each pod. Adaptive Re-use Resourcefulness Topological Guerilla Intervention Shared Infrastructure Symbiosis Contextual Dialogue ‘The Other’ Juxtaposition Biological Determinance SYMBIOTIC ARCHITECTURE 1st YEAR MASTER CHARETTE Programmatic Diversity