Portfolio 1 | Page 43

This project seeks to explore the use of projective mapping, through the use of particle systems, in an attempt to create an intervention within a confluence of pedestrian flows which is shaped by the movement metrics generated. It will be rigorously constrained to the data generated, acknowledging the authored inputs, to be able to fairly evaluate the emergent form. iterations of the archetype will be presented, generated from variations in the vector field in which they were subjected to. The results will be compared to better understand the underlying forces that are shaping the form. This document will conclude with an earnest discussion of the findings: value foreseen in this methodology and any impediments, areas As a precursor to this design exploration, a that could have been improved, possible future theoretical background study was completed. variants, and where the findings of this endeavour The main findings of that study will precede the may shape future endeavours. presentation of the resulting archetype. Two Two different patterns of movement create two different results each suited to their respective contexts. 36 | MOVEMENT METRICS MOVEMENT METRICS 1st YEAR MASTER PROJECT