Portfolio 1 | Page 41

4rd YEAR STUDIO PROJECT The Colossai are a collection of beings which interact with each other, in spite of the humans which mill about beneath them. They are driven to movement by complex relationships between individual Colossai similar to sentient emotional relationships, both positive and negative. The Colossai move at a time-scale much greater than that of humans. Over the course of months individuals will move toward their friend/lover and away from their foes creating a public space that dynamically changes week by week. They will be bothersome at times. At times they will align to allow for opportunistic activities: movie nights in the square, urban playgrounds, concerts and festivals. This denial/reward scheme will contribute to serendipitous joyful moments and will cause urbanites to reconsider their hierarchal relationship with the city. 34 | Colossai seeks to challen ge the hierarchial relationship between urbanites and their domain. It proposes that the sense of wonderment children experience stems from a subservient relationship to the world. As adults in an urban environment, we assert that we are masters of our domain, served by invisible systems and infrastructures that often are only apparent when they fail and we are slightly inconvenienced by traffic congestion or a brief blackout. Colossai proposes a class of being above us, bringing us in to tension with our conditioned surroundings and causing us to redefine our relationships with the built environment. COLOSSAI COLOSSAI