SOAPEN is designed like a ballpoint pen. The
weight of the balls cuts off the flow of soap
when it is not in use. When a hand glides along
the bottom surface of the dispenser the balls are
lifted and rolled to collect and deposit the soap.
The soap is too viscus to flow out of the thin gap
between the head unit and ball points so it can not
be drained of its contents. In this way the soap
dispenser works like a ballpoint pen.
The majority of the dispenser is composed of a
standard PVC pipe section (shown in yellow) which
can be aquired on site allowing the rest of the parts
to be shipped in a relatively small package.
A prototype was created using a 3D printer.
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SOAPEN was designed for the INDEX design
competition. In third-world countries simple
supplies such as soap are often stolen leading to
poor hygenic practices. The task was to design
a soap dispenser wherein the soap could not be
removed or collected by continual extraction.