Portfolio 1 | Page 27

WEATHERING 03 | ALGAE WASHED 04 | OVERGROWN 20 | Each shell is detailed with a gutter integrated in to the down-slope edge to collect rain water before it infiltrates the open-air structure. This water is directed towards the outer edge where it collects in a sedimentation trough. Here any particulate matter settles out and creates an alluvial deposit that is rich in nutrients. Over time, seeds carried in the wind will take root creating another stage in the life of the project. ?T The main pedestrian bridge is shrouded in zinc shells. The overlapping shells scale incrementally creating a sweeping gesture the implies virtual movement. The zinc shells participate in the users experience of the site over time. When new, the zinc has a dull gloss and a light grey colour. As it oxidizes it becomes charcoal in colour and dulls significantly.