Portal to the Future November 2012 | Page 10

If I could invent one thing, I would invent...

Dylan: I would invent a kind of “sleep timer” so that you could set a time for yourself to sleep and wake up, and you would automatically fall asleep only within those parameters and not outside of them. It would be useful on the bus, say, when I want to sleep but can't.

Cyrus: I would love to invent something called jetpack shoes. It would help you to travel to other provinces and states. You can change the shoes into other kinds for transportation like underwater shoes. It helps you travel fast under water and you will be able to breathe. The jetpack shoes could also talk and be your best friend because it can change into human form too.

Adrien: I would invent a mobile house so if there is a disaster, house move, selling land, you could move your valuables easily with a touch of a button.

Oscar: I would invent a mobile house so if there is a disaster, house move, selling land, you could move your valuables easily with a touch of a button.

Jonathan: A super computer like a 3-D screen. You can easily drag it around and transport information in a blink of an eye.

Harry: I would invent a portal gun, or a way of urning wheat into gasoline. WHEATOLINE!


Technology is always evolving and never stops.
