1.6 .- GENERAL ANALYSIS OF STATISTICS TABLES According to the analysis of the graphic tables of the condition of the external infrastructure, conditions that are found in recreational areas, the texts used for each level of English, the good state of size found in the course of the educational unit, and the Implementation of new technologies in student performance in “Nueva Era” School , reaches a conclusion that what is named is in a state of 50% to 100%, which is why these implementations have successfully benefited all students of said institution. 1.7 .-CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1.7.1 .- CONCLUSIONS • • • • The Physical Facilities have a great impact on the student's development since if there are good facilities, the student can develop comfortably, resulting in good academic performance, most of the children paid attention and obtained a better grade since their School had all the facilities to teach English. When there is no such facility, academic development is in danger, decreasing dramatically because the material required for learning is not enough. The influence of the technologies on the academic performance of the students was good, they had all the necessary equipment, from an early age they already learned to use them, they presented a good technological development, but on the other hand by having easy access to all the technological equipment, the students did not use them only to learn, but they looked for another way to entertain themselves as games, videos, children's songs, this caused a distraction in their academic performance. The level of academic performance has to do in part with physical facilities, such as the size of the classroom and furniture, but not at all since it also depends on how willing the student is to have good academic results. Classrooms did not have an appropriate size, this meant that the teacher could not work normally in the class, in addition, the furniture was in good condition but most of them were not used. The building, its appearance, its care, and order are factors that directly influence academic performance, in this school, the positive impact it has on the student is that it provides motivation and improves academic performance. The negative impact is that when they have small recreational areas, students cannot have fun in peace and some of them do not even play, it is for this reason that when they enter to receive classes, children become restless, which makes them learn the English language be difficult. 1.7.2 - RECOMMENDATIONS • • It is suggested to adapt the infrastructure in said institution better, since it does not have some elements necessary for the well-being of the students, such as good lighting, protection, since the dangerous objects that affect the well-being of the students are on the walls and this affects your academic performance. It is recommended to have greater control when sharing technological equipment with students, since, in addition to being a help, it can be a disadvantage in academic performance because students who have this facility seek a means of fun and do not seek to foster their knowledge. 15