• How does the implementation of new technologies influence students' academic performance? Table 4 The Influence Of Technologies On The Academic Performance Of Students. Alternative Frequency Percentage Excellent 1 25% Good enough 2 50% Good inadequate 1 25% TOTAL 4 100% Source: Observation sheets Elaborated by: Observers(2019) Influence of technologies on the academic performance of students. 25% 25% Excellent good enough good inadequate 50% Figure 4: The Influence of technologies on the academic performance of students. Source: Observation sheets Elaborated by: Observers (2019) ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION According to the data obtained, 25% of observers say that the implementation of technologies for teaching students has had excellent results in their academic performance, 50% of observers indicate that the implementation of technologies has been good enough for the academic performance of the students. On the other hand, 25% of observers say that the implementation of the technology has been inadequate for the academic performance of the students. The implementation of technologies is a very useful tool since students can have more facilities to investigate a topic, in addition, this technology facilitates the teacher to teach in a novel way the same that will help the academic performance of the students. 13