Portafolio de English 1 Carvajal Dayana English 1 | Page 34
September 2019
– February 2020
The contribution of the subject of English 1 in conjunction with the learned in the pre-
professional practices, creates a help and advances with regard to the perfil de egreso,
because, in the theoretical area, the realization of the pre-professional practices and
practices the matter has made that we adapt to our reality what we are going to face
in a future in the classrooms and what is generated and projected in them. In the
methodological scope, we can say that, by receiving the information and the
experience you need, you can be able to create a quality teaching methodology,
taking into account the capacity of creating teaching instruments, using strategies for
innovation with new innovations most adequate and dynamic way. Also proposed
scenarios in which more satisfactory can be worked. In a technical-instrumental way, i
will be ready to carry out a class where all types of methodologies are included, i can
lead with events of all types in classrooms and respect interculturality. In my opinion
all the bases given in the classes of English 1 serve me to be able to exercise the perfil
de egreso established.
Dayana Estefanía Carvajal Álvarez