Porcelain Veneers - All-in-one All About Porcelain Veneers | Page 8

Porcelain veneers - Demystified  Advantages  It goes without saying that porcelain veneers provides a stronger and more esthetic look than other options such as crowning. This coupled with the fact that unlike crowns porcelain veneers do not require extensive shaping ahead of the bonding process makes them an obvious choice over the former.  When fixing any blemish in your teeth, you will certainly require material that best mimics your real teeth. Porcelain veneers have this capability and it is very hard to tell them apart from the natural teeth.  The human gum tissue is very sensitive but always tolerates porcelain veneers better than other option. This is a big plus because the ultimate goal when fitting veneers is not only to improve your outward appearance but also to make you feel comfortable with minimal or no complications after the procedure.  There is a variety of teeth color to select from. This allows you to get whiter colored teeth where previously you had darkened teeth and this will obviously improve your self-esteem. Most veneers are prone to staining but porcelain veneers are stain resistant hence giving you great service for a long time before requiring replacement.