Porcelain Veneers - All-in-one All About Porcelain Veneers | Seite 6

Porcelain Veneers vs. Crowns  Condition of the lingual surface  This basically refers to the part of the teeth that facing inwards towards the tongue and the oral cavity. Porcelain veneers requires the lingual surface to be intact for best result. This may wear out as a result of dental carries and other dental problems. In cases where the lingual surface is worn out, dentists usually recommends crowns to be used.  Severity of Dental Carries  Dental carries simply refer to tooth decay or cavities. Where dental carries are severe and significant, veneers might not be the best option. They bond better in teeth with minimal dental carries. Here too, you will be advised to make use of crowns  The thickness of the enamel  Fitting veneers requires removal of some enamel and fitting of veneer with the same thickness as the enamel removed. In some patients however, you will find very thin enamel thus removing might make the teeth too delicate to sustain veneers. Some people also have enamel that wears off or is eroded over time. For such, crowns will be preferred to porcelain veneers.