PopUp Times Autumn 2009 | Page 4


It ’ s now been about four months since officially taking over PopUp Times . I don ’ t mind saying that I ’ ve been a little bit nervous . PopUp Times has been around for eleven years and has earned a strong following , so now it ’ s my responsibility to deliver compelling content on a regular basis .
I would like to thank everyone for the encouraging emails and best wishes for success in this new venture . With your continued support , PopUp Times will thrive . I especially want to publicly thank Dave Newhouse for his generous work to help make this transition as smooth as possible . Dave , you are a great guy !
Since RVs share similar or identical equipment , most RV magazines will cover everything related to an RV at some point . While similar content can be found elsewhere , either in other magazines or web sites , PopUp times is uniquely positioned to reach owners and those shopping for pop-up campers and smaller RVs . Pop-up campers do have a few things that are not found in the other RVs , which gives our readers a unique perspective and focus .
Our goal is to provide content that will be both interesting and useful to pop-up camper or small RV owners . We are excited about articles we will be producing on a regular basis , such as camper reviews , destination and campground reviews , product reviews , modifications , and other technical related articles ; as well as cooking related articles and reader stories . As with PopUp Explorer , we want the readers to share ideas on content or ways we can improve the magazine to make it the best product it can be . If you loved PopUp Times before , we hope you grow to love it even more . We want you to feel like this is your magazine . We are committed to bringing you the best content possible .
Some of the writers are already familiar to you . We are also introducing some new writers . We really want you to share your thoughts , especially if you think your idea would help make things better . If you like to write , send us something ; if you ’ re a good photographer , send us photos ; let ’ s see your work ! Perhaps a story or great photo of yours can be used in a future edition . For those who contribute , we will try to give you a little something for your effort .
In closing , I just want to say ultimately our goal is to find ways to make PopUp Times even better . I hope you enjoy the new PopUp Times and thank you for your continued support .
Thank you and happy camping ,
A letter from the publisher
Publishing Office PO Box 2916 El Centro , CA 92244 760.595.8939 www . popuptimes . com info @ popuptimes . com
Publisher : Advertising :
Creative : Webmaster :
Dean Babb Recreational Marketing Associates , LLC 703.485.7277 Dean Babb Dean Babb
Contributors : Gordon Fiddes Joe Galvin Paul Holroyd C . R . Lovald Robert Lowndick John Pogas Joe Subda
Contents copyrighted 2009 by PopUp Times , 301 W 12th St , The Dalles OR 97058 . All rights reserved . Contents may not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission . The publisher retains the right to refuse any editorial or advertisements .
PopUp Times encourages free-lance contributions but cannot guarantee the return of unsolicited manuscripts . Guidelines and sample copies are available upon request .
Published quarterly . Subscriptions are $ 12.50 per year . ( Canada $ 17.50 ) Mail subscription requests to : PopUp Times , PO Box 2916 , El Centro , CA 92244 . Please include your name , address and phone number .
PopUp Times is not responsible for the accuracy , content or correctness of any web site references in this publication . Unless otherwise noted , web references are made only as a point of interest to our readers .
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