POPULAR MAGAZINE - The Sneak Peek (End of Summer Issue 2016) Jul. 2016 | Page 23
Few fashion success stories are as notable as that of Alessandro Michele. Gucci’s critically-acclaimed creative director
first stepped into his role around 18 months ago, quickly making a lasting impressiThere’s no doubt that her deep
country roots of Pikeville, KY keep her well grounded, but with power-house vocals and stellar dance moves Taylor X
is all pop diva.
Her stage name, Taylor X, has been derived from her occupation, a pharmacist. The moment she takes the stage, the
audience is captivated by this beautiful, green-eyed bombshell with porcelain skin and firey red hair. With a little Brit
Brit, Lady Gaga and Miss Jackson, she combines a fierce sense of style with her heavily choreographed, dance-driven
stage shows. She also incorporates party rap in her music similar to Kesha and is inspired by rapper, Missy
“Misdemeanor” Elliot, which gives her that extra flavor of an urban pop dance sound.on on the notoriously fickle
fashion industry. His career has since gone from strength to strength: the designer courted fans by eroding the flashy
glamour that previously defined the Italian brand, instead introducing his romantic, bohemian vision to the
then-struggling house.