Popular Culture Review Volume 30, Number 2, Summer 2019 | Page 38

Popular Culture Review 30.2 • Summer 2019
Space at the Con : Conversations About Representation in Popular Culture at Comic Conventions
by Debra E . Jenson
“ Space at the Con ” explores the motivations and goals of individuals who participate in discussions at Comic-Cons and conventions centered on diversity and representation of marginalized groups ( women , LGBTQIA + individuals , people of color , people with disabilities , and more ) in popular culture . Comic-con-style events occur across the United States and around the globe , showcasing movies , television , comic books , and even online content . These events are one way for individuals to encounter and learn about popular culture . A person of color , a woman , a transgender person , a homosexual or lesbian , can often encounter hostility , sometimes because they are seen as less “ legit .” However , this geek-keeping phenomenon can also stem from the absence of marginalized groups in the representation of geeks in popular culture . People learn about norms and customs from popular culture . To better understand the narratives and themes around representation of marginalized groups in media and what impact participants believe these discussions can have . To realize this understanding , interviews were conducted with participants on panels about issues of diversity and marginalization at a comic convention . These interviews included questions about the motivations for participating and the perceived impact they might be having . Thematic analysis of interview transcripts identified three themes : creating representation through shared stories , creating understanding through shared stories , and creating advocates through shared stories .
29 doi : 10.18278 / pcr . 30.2.3