Popular Culture Review Volume 30, Number 2, Summer 2019 | Page 271

Popular Culture Review 30.2
more religious texts like the Hebrew Scriptures . The authors see in each of these shows an “ emphasis placed on tolerance of different faith traditions ,” the storylines lacking “ an endorsement of any religious tradition beyond a monotheistic faith ” ( 151 ). Of course , religious themes are no guarantee a series will prosper : “ the television landscape remains littered with shows that did not survive ,” including , it is noted , the 2006 NBC show The Book of Daniel , about a drug addict who converses with Jesus . Still , despite waning church attendance and a decline in the percentage of people labeling themselves “ religious ,” it seems that , to paraphrase Valenzano and Engstrom , a story isn ’ t compelling if the characters don ’ t seek the touch of the divine . Religions Across Television Genres is a must-have book for anyone who studies pop culture and religion ; it deserves a spot on every TV connoisseur ’ s bookshelf .