Popular Culture Review Volume 30, Number 2, Summer 2019 | Page 246

Popular Culture Review 30.2 • Summer 2019
I Am Trying Hard to Follow the Sound : Meditations on Accepting Typhoon ’ s Offerings
By H . Peter Steeves
The latest album from indie-rock band Typhoon , fronted by Kyle Morton , is an existential trip through birth , sleep , love , life , and after-life . With ties to Greek mythology , surrealist filmmaking , twentieth-century literature , and the history of philosophy , Offerings is an album that invites the listener to imagine a stream of consciousness that navigates a watery life-path toward something liberating . This essay traces the conceptual themes at work in the music and lyrics of the album , offering a song-by-song analysis of an intricate narrative that unfolds within a work of art that deserves to be recognized as a contemporary masterpiece .
Keywords : Rock , Indie-rock , music criticism , music theory , philosophy , existentialism , birth , death , sleep , dream , liberalism , communitarianism
Me estoy esforzando mucho para poder seguir el sonido : meditaciones para aceptar Offerings de Typhoon
El último álbum de la banda de rock Typhoon , liderada por Kyle Morton , es un viaje a través del nacimiento , el sueño , el amor , y la vida antes y después de la muerte . Con vínculos con la mitología griega , el cine surrealista , la literatura del sidoi : 10.18278 / pcr . 30.2.10