Popular Culture Review Volume 30, Number 2, Summer 2019 | Page 221

Popular Culture Review 30.2
民的残暴行为 、 对不断看见温迪戈食人魔的生动描 述所产生的累积效果 。 第二个元素则是主人公 Major Laurene Weiss 警长所患的反复强迫症 , 她因此去搜寻 市长 Steiner 的失踪女儿 Marion . 依照弗洛伊德的理论 , 这种精神障碍反复不断地 “ 强迫人去接受同样的故 事 、 体验相同的强烈情感 、 看见一样的可怕情景 ” 。 然而 , 最重要的元素则是对那些被谋杀或自杀的 受害者躯体的生动刻画 。 这些描述通过一种怪诞又 绝望的审美进行了表达 , 因此强烈放大了因生活在 该小镇而经历的恐怖 、 惊悚和害怕 。 Missoffe 将小镇 比作但丁所描述的地狱 。
关键词 : 哥特式犯罪剧 , 无尽恐惧 , 怪诞 - 绝望式审 美


Film critics have finally begun to pay attention to the recent made-for-TV crime dramas coming out of Europe . Some of these shows , particularly those from Scandinavian countries , capture a darkness characteristic of film noire . Several others , just as dark , contain elements that align them with the Gothic . Of these , one of the best and bleakest is the current crime-thriller fantasy Black Spot ( or Zone Blanche , originally an Amazon Prime series ), an eight-episode TV series that represents a joint effort by French and Belgian companies in 2018 ( Nurbel ).
Season One of Black Spot takes place in Villefranche , a fictious French village that is set in the middle of a dark and forbidding 15,00-acre forest reputed to harbor a monster and that claims a murder rate six times the national average . In line with Gothic tradition , season one reflects those cultur-