Popular Culture Review Volume 30, Number 2, Summer 2019 | Page 182

“ We Know the Way ”: Culture – Nature Relationship and Kuleana in Disney ’ s Moana
It is when Moana discovers that her ancestors were explorers that she finds her own purpose and responsibility to the people of Motuni and to the land . Through finding herself , she was able to pass on her legacy to her family and community .
Not only is kulena a value for the self , but it expands to the community . Once Pacific Islanders understand their own role within their culture , they have a responsibility to pass on that knowledge to the next generation in order to preserve their identity , culture , and land . This is apparent in Moana . After sailing pass the reef , finding Maui , and returning Te Fiti ’ s heart , not only does Moana literally rescue her people and the land , but she also saves them in terms of their lost identity . Not only is the heart of Te Fiti restored , but also the heart of the people of Motuni . Voyaging is restored and passed along to the next generation .
Since Westerners / Europeans first encounter with Pacific Islanders , they have consistently depicted them historically and contemporarily as benevolent , primitive , sexualized , unintelligent , savages . Western constructed narratives , which continue to be told about oceanic people , are prevalent in the eyes of global audiences . Representations of exotic indigenous cultures in media are usually used to promote tourism . These depictions have advanced from colonial times when ethnic images often reflected a submissive or deferential “ other ” ( Parker 23 ). Hall explains that the representation of an “ other ” is established by a process in which the context of meaning is found not only in one image but also in how one image is read against or in connection with other images ( 17 ). The repetition of images gains textuality , accumulating meaning by playing off each other ( Hall 240 ). Stereotyping is often fixed by those in a position of power as a way to differ-