Popular Culture Review Volume 30, Number 2, Summer 2019 | Page 113

Popular Culture Review 30.2
initial response was not overwhelming , I did receive messages from several friends eager to share their experiences . One friend publicly posted an article she had written about a previous dating experiment conducted while living in Las Vegas . Another friend collected an essay that a friend of hers wrote especially for this project , a response of which had been a result of a public appeal within my Facebook network . In turn , this particular friend had shared information about my project with her Facebook community and one man jumped at the opportunity to share feedback regarding his online dating adventures .
I also had several of my personal friends message me privately sharing their experiences about the good and bad of dating in the digital age . Although successful stories of people meeting through more serious sites like match . com are fairly common , I was surprised that I did not receive messages from anyone who had such positive experiences . Ultimately , individuals were more open to share their funny , quirky , sad , and sometimes disturbing stories of navigating the facets of online dating , rather than sharing their successes of finding love in the digital era .
I am grateful to the individuals who allowed me a quick peek into their personal dating struggles and victories . While I have heard many stories�good , bad , happy , and sad�I chose only four of these to share here . The stories below were written by the individuals themselves , and all besides one remains anonymous . Since I wanted the stories to be told in their original voice , I have left their writings unedited ( with the exception of formatting and / or bracketed information ), hence any errors in spelling , grammar , or syntax that may appear in the text below .