Popular Culture Review Volume 30, Number 1, Winter 2019 | Page 213

Popular Culture Review 30.1
counselor , or an adult you trust , call a local helpline , or go to 13ReasonsWhy . info .
Such course correction is also integrated into the season ’ s actual narrative . Porter is consumed with guilt at his failure to help Hannah and retroactively portrayed as poor in his job , thus acknowledging criticism toward the character , and fired from the school in the penultimate episode of the season for his poor performance . In “ The Missing Page ,” the school ’ s principal�portrayed as an antagonistic figure in his drive to protect the school ’ s reputation , regardless of the well-being of its actual students�wonders aloud if Hannah wanted to glorify her death and “ live on after ,” a position also implied by the defense during the trial . This directly alludes to the criticisms of 13 Reasons Why ’ s preceding season being a “ revenge fantasy .” However , Clay disagrees with the principal , explaining to him that the tapes have “ start [ ed ] a conversation . I mean , we weren ’ t talking about these things before Hannah .” Hannah herself directly challenges such accusations in “ The Third Polaroid ,” when Clay hallucinates Hannah explaining that “ it wasn ’ t revenge ! I had to tell my own story . I wanted people to know what happened so maybe it wouldn ’ t happen again .” Therefore , 13 Reasons Why and its creative personnel maintain both the beneficent intent of the series and its ability to “ start a conversation ” regarding delicate issues such as suicide and sexual assault . 13 Reasons Why has certainly accomplished its goal to provoke conversation , as more than 600,000 news reports have been published about the series and its themes ( Althouse et al . 1527 ). Upon release , both seasons also contributed to an increase in Internet searches regarding suicide-related topics , although it is important to note that it is unclear if such searches are representative of self-education regarding suicide or are indicative of suicidal thoughts ( Ethgen and Bruyère 99 ).