Popular Culture Review Volume 30, Number 1, Winter 2019 | Page 156

Crime and Sexuality in the 1955 and 1981 Adaptations of John Steinbeck ’ s East of Eden
Adaptation “ involves complex transitions , both cultural and ideological , in response to changing modes of storytelling and adaptive intent ” ( Neipris 256 ). The process involves cutting entire scenes and characters without ruining the narrative . Andrew posits three modes of film adaptation . Through the most frequent mode , borrowing , “ the artist employs , more or less extensively , the material , idea , or form of an earlier , generally successful text ” ( 98 ). For example , Steinbeck borrows the story of Cain and Abel from the Old Testament . Secondly , intersecting preserves “ the uniqueness of the original text ... to such an extent that it is intentionally left unassimilated in adaptation . The cinema , as a separate mechanism , records its confrontation with an ultimately intransigent text ” ( 99 ). Thirdly , “[ t ] ransforming is adaptation that seeks to deploy the full power of cinematic techniques and material both to remain faithful to the original and at the same time to make a full transformation of it in the new medium ” ( Abbott 113 ).
Sometimes characters are not eliminated but instead merged , resulting in a composite character . Steinbeck has Deputy Horace Quinn question Adam Trask about how he was shot ; Adam lies by claiming he accidentally shot himself . Then , the disbelieving deputy says to Julius Euskadi , a curious citizen , “ I ’ m going to run to papa . I need the sheriff .” Deputy Quinn deputizes Julius to ensure that Adam does not flee or try to hurt himself . The deputy reports to the Monterey County sheriff . The sheriff finds out that Adam ’ s wife , Cathy , who shot him within two weeks after delivering their twins and then disappeared , now works for the madam Faye as a prostitute . After interrogating “ Kate ,” the sheriff does not arrest her but warns her to keep pretending that she is somebody else and not hurt her husband or their two sons . He also orders Kate to dye her hair so that she will not be recognized . Richard Shapiro , the writer of the miniseries , not only eliminates