Popular Culture Review Volume 30, Number 1, Winter 2019 | Page 148

A Conversation with Nanette
proved tired and unsuccessful in promoting peace . In 1927 , Porter believed that even a child can persuade society toward utopia as her Pollyanna planted hope and positivity instead of pessimism and suspicion . Foss and Griffin issued a 1995 “ Proposal for an Invitational Rhetoric ” intended to make every voice heard , foster community collaboration and harmony , echoing their foremothers ’ century-old appeal for peace . And in 2015 , Felski continues the attack on critical suspicion which leaves everyone wounded and poor . Together , this genealogy of women writers call for a not-so-new way of seeing and making meaning . What would be new is for society to regard their message , to accept the invitation to talk to one another . Gadsby ’ s 2018 message is a step backwards .
As for Nanette , I counter Gadsby ’ s memorialization of her . I add her name to the record of the fallen and forgotten . Nanette is M . I . A . ( missing in action ), possibly “ still kicking about somewhere ” ( Aubrey , par . 5 ). She represents all the Others who suffer silently and are never heard , known , or understood because they are powerless . I commemorate her as someone who , in the end , was sacrificed for the cause of Justice , Equality , and Liberty�may her name be so remembered .
Aubrey , Sophie . MamaMia , 20 Jul . 2018 , http :// www . mamamia . com . au / why-is-nanette-called-nanette /. Accessed 12 Sept . 2018 .
Baker ’ s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology . “ Scapegoat .” http :// www . biblestudytools . com / dictionary / scapegoat /. Accessed 14 Nov . 2018 .